Mission Statement
Founded in 2017, www.stemwithkieno.com is a destination for people who seek to obtain the highest scores possible on aptitude tests, and scholastic courses in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and Federal Aviation Administration Testing for fixed and rotary wing pilot applicants. We provide stellar test and course preparation designed by tutors and flight instructors we trust, supporting our communities and creating meaningful relationships with those around us. We exist to create experiences where passion for knowledge and purpose come together. In 2023, we will be providing services for engineering students. Look for us on Youtube. We will be uploading some engineering videos.
Like most challenges you face in life or education preparation is key. We rapidly identify challenges our clients have and eliminate them.
We employ a step-by-step approach to problem execution and teach rapid answer identification for multiple choice exams.
Our clients learn problem solving techniques to execute problems effortlessly.
We can simulate testing conditions for clients who have issues with test taking anxiety.
Military Aptitude Test Preparation